A full day of choral and organ repertoire was presented to church musicians who attended the June 19, 2010, Sacred Music Summer Workshop at First Presbyterian Church, Dallas. Nearly 100 participants came from various locations throughout Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas to be enlightened by professionals from far and near who led informative sessions on choral and organ music.
Choral sessions included two sessions for small choirs: Music for Small Choirs led by Hal Hopson and Music for Very Small Choirs from St. James Music Press led by Charlotte Kroeker. Other choral sessions were: Tried and True and Probably in Your Library by Terre Johnson; Eclectic and Probably Not in Your Library by Don Krehbiel; Masterworks, Minor Costs by Terre Johnson; Anthem Repertoire published by MorningStar Music by Terre Johnson and Robert Hobby.
Robert Hobby introduced organists to organ music recently published by MorningStar Music and offered a session entitled Energizing Congregational Song. Raising the Bar on Weekly Organ Voluntaries was presented by Tom Froehlich. A plenary session entitled Music as Ministry featured a question and answer session with Jim Finley of JFA Consulting asking questions of Robert Hobby and Terre Johnson. Spiritual enrichment occurred at the start and end of the day with Morning Prayer: We Gather to Praise and Sending Service: We Depart in Peace, both led by Robert Hobby. Senseney Music provided packets and a music display for browsing and to purchase.
Click the links below to see materials from this day’s presentations:
Music for Small Choirs, Hal Hopson
“Tried and True,” Terre Johnson
Eclectic and Probably Not in Your Library, Don Krehbiel
Anthems Published by MorningStar Music Publishers, Terre Johnson, Robert Hobby
Organ Music Published by MorningStar Music Publishers, Robert Hobby
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