
Sacred Music Summer Workshop, June 2009

June 27, 2009

The annual workshops were held at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Dallas, featuring composer and organist Dr. David Cherwien, Cantor at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, MN. Choral reading sessions were led by Dana Effler of First Methodist, Dallas, Terry Price of Preston Hollow Presbyterian, Dallas and David Cherwien. A topical session on music from the Choral Public Domain and treasures from the CMI Resource Library was led by Dr. Robert Mann, Resource Library Director. Dr. Michael Hawn of SMU/Perkins led a session on “Singing Globally, Singing Faithfully” in addition to specialized “training” for participants during the lunch hour in accordion evangelism ministry. Organ repertoire sessions were given by David Cherwien and Dr. Sheryl Sebo of Arapaho United Methodist, Richardson, and a piano repertoire session by Dr. Charlotte Kroeker of the Church Music Institute. For the schedule, click here.

The day ended with a “Hymn Festival” led by Dr. Cherwien and a choir of musicians and local choir members. Hymns from the seasons were featured along with reflective readings by Susan Palo Cherwien, given by Rev. Karl Schwarz, Pastor of Westminster Presbyterian. For the program, click here.

Sponsors were Senseney Music of Wichita, Kansas with Krista Hart, Manager of the Choral Department and DeAnn Diller of the Keyboard Department who brought music for browsing and purchase, and Mark Lawson of MorningStar Music Publishers. Steven White, Director of Music at Westminster Presbyterian was a most capable local host.

Following the Hymn Festival a reception for Founding Members of the Church Music Institute was hosted by Richard and Enika (Vice-Chair, Board of Directors) Schulze in the church parlor. Board Chair Kim Warner read a tribute to Elmer and Jean Adams, members of St. Andrew Presbyterian Church in Denton, for Elmer’s 65 years of singing in Presbyterian choirs and Jean’s supporting role in his service.

Keyboard and Choral Reading Sessions

Dana Effler, Choral Reading Sessions

Terry Price, Choral Reading Sessions

David Cherwien Choral Reading Sessions

Choral Treasures from the CMI Library, Robert Mann

Choral Public Domain Library, Robert Mann

Piano Literature for Church, Charlotte Kroeker

Morning Star Organ Repertoire Session, David Cherwien

Organ Music for Worship, Sheryl Sebo


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