
“Pastor as Artist, Musician as Minister: Rethinking the Clergy-Musician Relationship in the Context of Worship Planning” by Rev. Andrew Foster Connors

At our 2015Andrew Foster Connors Sacred Music and Worship Workshop, Rev. Andrew Foster Connors gave a meaningful lecture on the inadequacies of the dichotomy between pastor as theology and musician as artist. Click the link below to read the full lecture which is just one of the great articles that will be featured in our upcoming CMI Newsletter. Want to start receiving CMI Newsletters? Join Our Mailing List Today

“Pastor as Artist, Musician as Minister: Rethinking the Clergy-Musician Relationship in the Context of Worship Planning”

Lastly, don’t forget to sign-up for our Workshop this June where Rev. Dr. Fred Anderson and Dr. Andrew Henderson will share their experiences as a pastor-musician team.