
January 2009 Winter Workshop

Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church, Dallas, was the setting of the Church Music Institute’s Winter Workshop for pastors, musicians, and lay leaders on January 31, 2009. The day opened with Morning Prayer in the sanctuary followed by two plenary sessions for all participants and two break-out sessions divided into tracks of pastor, choral, and organ.

Dr. Charles Webb, retired Dean of Indiana University School of Music and Organist of First United Methodist Church, Bloomington, offered Music During the Worship Service for the first plenary. The second plenary was Understanding and Appreciating Differences given by Jim Finley, founder and president of JFA Consulting, an organization development consulting firm. This presentation focused on the working relationship of clergy and musician and offered suggestions.

The pastor’s tracks in the break-out sessions were Questions and Answers with Dr. Webb and Working with a Diverse Staff by Mr. Finley. The choral tracks were led by David R. Davidson and included repertoire selected by him for Lent and Holy Week, Easter and Pentecost. The organ track featured a session on hymn playing led by Dr. Robert Mann and a repertoire session by Dr. Grady Coyle that included music for Lent, Holy Week, Easter, and Pentecost. Senseney Music provided choral packets.

Click the links below to see resources from the day’s presentations:

On-the-Job Discussion Questions for Pastors and Musicians

TDF Pattern Wheel

Hymn Playing (Questions Every Organist Should Ask)


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