We are pleased to feature composer Paul French of our eLibrary, who gives us the lovely “O Lord, Open My Lips”, written for the Pueri Cantores Public Domain Editions (see www.pcchoirs.org), with the versatile text and suggestions for use with unison, equal, or mixed voices. This gift to all of us is an example of his fine writing and demonstrates his understanding of the variety of needs for good music from beginning singers to talented, trained singers. Paul’s other compositions in the eLibrary are particularly appropriate for this seasonal mailing: “Nunc tempus acceptabile (Now is the time acceptable)” is appropriate for Ash Wedneday or during Lent; “Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life” (Herbert text) and “I Lift My Eyes to the Mountains” are both appropriate during Lent; “Hosanna!” is a perfect choice for Palm/Passion Sunday involving children/youth; “Prayer of Charles de Foucault”, and “Alleluia and Psalm 118” fit either Palm/Passion Sunday or Easter Day. Looking ahead even farther, his “Greater Gifts” is appropriate for Pentecost. Thank you, Paul, for your gifts to the church, to those of us who lead the song of the church, and to all those who will pray more faithfully through the beautiful music you have created.