Dr. Quentin Faulkner gives CMI members six downloadable PDF pieces in this mailing. He is well known to organists and church musicians for his scholarly research on the keyboard music of Bach, notably J.S. Bach’s Keyboard Technique: A Historical Introduction; the foundational church music text, Wiser Than Despair: the Evolution of Ideas in the Relationship of Music and the Christian Church; and articles, performances and workshop demonstrations. Dr. Faulkner has honored his commitment to church music through years as assistant organist at St. John the Divine in New York City, the Roman Catholic Cathedral in Omaha, and to Episcopal churches in Omaha and now in Massachusetts. The current pieces were written for the choir he now directs, a small choir of intelligent, committed people who, in their limited rehearsal time, want to prepare worthwhile music for worship. These pieces are a gift not only to his choir, but to all of us with similar choirs, and to the larger church as we seek to offer excellent music that uses all the abilities and resources available. Thank you, Quentin Faulkner, for these wonderful pieces.