
Composer Forums, February – May 2010

Church Music Institute held a series of Composer Forums in the spring that featured sacred music of four nationally known composers from Dallas. These sessions were held in the new offices of CMI at 7557 Rambler Road, Suite 420, Dallas. All living composers introduced their own music. Examination copies of each composition were provided and the composer had opportunity to discuss each musical setting. Composers and their music discussed were Hal Hopson, Paul Lindsley Thomas, Lloyd Pfautsch, and Jane Marshall. Anthems from each composer were used with the exception of Mr. Hopson who discussed “The People’s Psalter.” The anthems of Dr. Pfautsch were presented by Dr. Kenneth Hart, professor emeritus of sacred music at SMU and biographer of Dr. Pfautsch. Meeting at the office of CMI gave participants opportunity to view the Resource Library.


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