
Anthems For Lent, Holy Week, and Easter


Dr. Robert C. Mann

Listed below are suggestions for Lent, Holy Week, and Easter anthems, and you will want to go to the eLibrary to see details for each anthem. Additionally, choose a familiar text associated with each Liturgical season, enter the title in an eLibrary search, and be surprised by how many different settings of the text you will find. There are around 20 settings of “Christ the Lord is Risen Today.”

Another way to search the eLibrary is by entering a Liturgical Reference and a second term, for example, “Lent Moderate,” (Liturgical Reference, Level of Difficulty). The eLibrary offers more than 1,000 titles of anthems for this search. Remember to search your own choral library to see if the titles you see in the eLibrary match settings in your collection. If you choose, you may search anthems in the eLibrary by Lectionary Reference (Lent 1, A.) or Scripture (“John 3:16”).


Chilcott, Bob                Thou Knowest, Lord                SATB           eLibrary #5609

Fedak, Alfred               Tree of Life                               SATB           eLibrary #3515

Fedak, Alfred               Holy Lamb of God                   SATB           eLibrary #5011

Fedak, Alfred                Thy Matchless Love                SATB           eLibrary #6019

Oldroyd, George          Prayer to Jesus                       SATB           eLibrary #2238

Noble, T. Tertius          Go to Dark Gethsemane        SATB           eLibrary; CPDL 00284;

Ingeneri, M. A.             O Bone Jesu                             SATB           CPDL Multiple Editions; (anthem misattributed to Palestrina)                                           eLibrary

Tchaikovsky, Pyotr      Crown of Roses                       SATB            eLibrary; CPDL #18886


In eLibrary, there are multiple settings of Agnus Dei (Lamb of God); Adoramus Te (We Adore You); Ah, Holy Jesus; Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God; God So Loved the World; Wondrous Love; Psalm 130 Out of the Depths; Lift High the Cross; Love Divine, All Loves Excelling; My Song Is Love Unknown

If you are looking for a longer composition, there are many settings of STABAT MATER in CPDL (Latin text only) including Rheinberger, Schubert, Haydn, Palestrina, Vivaldi, Pergolesi, and others.