
2015 Was a Very Good Year in the Life of the CHURCH MUSIC INSTITUTE

Thanks for being our partner!

Sacred Music Conference with Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida

Festival of Church Music at Covenant Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, North Carolina, featuring a 200-voice choir. CMI also taught a course at Union Presbyterian Seminary, Charlotte, entitled “The Church and Sacred Music” that ran concurrently with the Festival.

Launch of new and improved eLibrary searchable database on 24 criteria with over 9,000 carefully selected titles for planning coherent worship, now easily accessible.

Sacred Music & Worship summer workshop at First United Methodist Church in Fort Worth for clergy, musicians, laypersons, co-sponsored by Brite Divinity School. American Guild of Organists regional convention presentation, “Musician and Clergy Relationships: Forging a Future” and  CMI exhibit in Fort Worth adjacent to workshop.

Provided music for summer convocation for the Association for Reformed & Liturgical Worship, Ghost Ranch, New Mexico, where Dr. Kroeker was elected Presiding Member of AR&LW
and Dr. Westermeyer to the steering committee.  Festival of Church Music and Sacred Music & Worship workshop in Salem, Oregon, First Presbyterian Church.

Final summer planning workshop at CMI offices where all resources on-site were available.CMI_NTGD 2015 Info Card Small_proof2_Page_1

Giving Day on the 17th saw many generous donors giving a record amount so the work of CMI can continue full speed ahead.

Planning continues for 2016 workshops & Festivals, clergy/musician project with seminaries, and pilot project with the American Guild of Organists to offer eLibrary access to their members.